Are you ready for the most relaxing bath of your life? The temps are dropping and your stress levels may be rising, but don’t let it get to you.

Grab a mug of chamomile tea, turn on your favorite relaxation playlist, and settle in for some self-care.

This recipe of mixed bath salts, baking soda, dried flowers, essential oils, and CBD can be beneficial for your body for so many reasons.

Epsom Salts: When Epsom salt is dissolved in water, it releases magnesium and sulfate ions. Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body, and it’s involved in more than 325 biochemical reactions that benefit your heart and nervous system. Needless to say it is an important mineral, and many people do not get enough of it. Adequate magnesium levels are essential for sleep and stress management, as magnesium helps your brain produce neurotransmitters that induce sleep and reduce stress. Baths can be a great way for your body to absorb the benefits of magnesium from the bath salts because the warm water opens your pores and helps your body to absorb all that goodness. Additionally, bath salts are known to soothe tired muscles and reduce swelling.

Himalayan Sea Salt: Bathing in warm water for even just 10 minutes can reduce fatigue, stress, and pain and increase feelings of contentment and emotional health. Advocates say that Himalayan salt can generate negative ions in the air, creating the type of calming effect many people experience on a saltwater beach.

Baking Soda: Ready for that stress-free, well-rested glow? Adding baking soda to your bath will give your bath water a silky feel without feeling outright slippery on your skin. As a natural alkaline, it helps to balance your body’s pH levels and has countless benefits for calming and clearing skin, from head to toe.

Dried Flowers and Essential Oils: Depending on the combination of dried flowers and essentials oils you choose, you can help enhance your relaxation, focus, optimism, and more. Dried flowers are beautiful and will make you feel like you’re at the spa, and they also contain healing properties. For example, rose petals are known as a powerful mood enhancer, calendula petals are a soothing and healing herb and are excellent for dry skin, and lavender flowers have a wide range of benefits from helping with anxiety and depression to aiding with nausea and healing acne.


  • 2 cups epsom salt
  • 1/4 cup Himalayan sea salt
  • 1/4 cup baking soda
  • 1/2 cup rose petals
  • 1/2 cup calendula petals
  • 1 tbsp lavender flowers
  • 15 drops essential oils
  • 2 ml Blooming Botanicals CBD
bath salts mixed

Makes 8 servings/baths

Float your way into reduced stress and enhanced relaxation by soaking for at least 15 minutes. If you’re soaking for aches and pains, make sure not to use water that’s too hot as it might worsen instead of reduce swelling.

You can use any mix of herbal flowers you would like or omit if you want a more natural salt.

bath salt ingredients

CBD Breakdown
500mg bottle = 4.16mg per serving 
1000mg bottle = 8.33mg per serving
2000mg bottle = 16.66mg per serving